The permit office enforces the “Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance” adopted on June 1, 1992, by the Board of Supervisors. The floodplain management regulations are designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens. By adopting and enforcing the Flood Ordinance the county home owners are eligible to purchase flood insurance inside or outside the flood zone areas.
A permit is required for all work on a new building or an addition, relocation, alteration to an existing building, structure or mobile home.
If you are looking to build or purchase property inside the county, you can come by the office and check the flood zone prior to construction planning or purchasing property.
Cathy Lummus, Director
2525 14th Street
Meridian, MS 39301
601.484.3992 | [email protected]

Flood Information
Floodplain Management Click on this link for information pertaining …