The Tax Assessor's office assigns value to all real and personal property. Appraisers check improvements, which are then keyed into the computer with sketches. Personal property appraisers list items used in business, as well as inventories. Maps are maintained as deeds are recorded, and changed accordingly, and the office assists homeowners in filing for homestead exemption.
Important Dates & Deadlines
- January 1st (MS Code 27-35-3)
Lien dates for real property - January - March 1st (MS Code 27-35-1)
Lien date for personal property, except for heavy equipment - January - April 1st (MS Code 27-33-31)
Filing homestead applications - Deadline is on or before April 1st - April 1st (MS Code 27-35-45)
Personal property renditions are due - April 1st (MS Code 27-35-50)
Deadline for filing section 42 or other subsidized housing income data - First Monday in July (MS Code 27-35-81)
Assessment Rolls to be turned over to Board of Supervisors - July (MS Code 27-35-83/27-35-87)
Board of Supervisors to hold equalization meetings on the rolls and shall by newspaper publication notify the public that such rolls so equalized are ready for inspection. Formal written protests should be made at this time - August (MS Code 27-35-89)
The Board of Supervisors shall meet to hear objections. Objections must be filed or assessments to stand - Last Monday in August (MS Code 27-35-143)
Board of Supervisors must approve petitions before this date
Whitney Hodges, Assessor
612 22nd Avenue S
P.O. Box 687 | 39302
Meridian, MS 39301
601.482.9781 | 601.483.5950 (fax)
[email protected]
Homestead Exemption
Business Personal Property
Real Property Appraisal